October 2016

This month's newsletter topics
Fall Fun- October and November Calendar – Music! – Colds and Flu and sickness, Oh MY! – Reminders – We are collecting…


Fall Fun

What a great start to the school year at Hands On Art and Play! The students are having a great time and learning so many things. We have so much fun in circle time with everyone taking turns doing their jobs. Some kids do the weather report, others sing the calendar song. Each day we have an alphabet and number pal! Be sure to ask your kids what their job was for the day, and have them sing you the songs. They are doing a great job learning all of circle time songs!
October 2016 painting trees art Preschool Portland OregonThe students had fun learning about leaves and apples. We tasted apples, printed with apples, and painted apple trees. Ask your child to sing you “5 little apples up in a tree “.
Leaves and trees also give the children opportunities to learn and play. We made glitter leaves, collected leaves and printed with them. We learned a few new songs. Ask your child to sing you the song about raking the leaves, or the leaves falling down.
We also enjoyed a visit from “Talk About Trees”. Talk About Trees is an interactive, science-based program for preschool through eighth grade students. This program brings the forest into the classroom and helps to encourage awareness and appreciation for the value of trees and forests in our daily lives. The program also encourages an understanding about the protection, management and conservation of the renewable forest. Joan, a former Hands On parent, leads the Talk About Trees program and works with all of our students to create recycled paper. We also looked at fruit and nuts that come from trees, as well as all different types of cones and needles. Our students love exploring a forest in the classroom and we are looking forward to Joan visiting our class again October 12th.

October and November Calendar

October is a busy month. Children and families are settling in to their new schedules and the holiday are just around the corner. Preschool children love to celebrate and have parties. Over the next few months our students will do many projects centered on holidays our families may celebrate at home. Children are invited to talk about the holidays their families celebrate and will learn what other celebrations take place around the world. If you have a fun tradition that you would like to share with the class, let your teacher know.
Because Hands On children attend our school on different schedules, we try to make sure that we include some sort of celebration each day so that all the children get to participate in something special and do not feel that they are missing out.
Tuesday, Oct. 4 –October 2016 talk about trees art Preschool Portland Oregon
Music Class with Tallulah’s Daddy
Wednesday, Oct. 12 – 
Talk About Trees- Teacher Joan will join us again but this time our students will enjoy a guided nature walk
around our school to learn about the trees and plants near us.
Tuesday, Oct. 18 –
Music Class with Teacher Iris
Wednesday, Oct. 21 –
Music Class
Monday, Oct. 31 – 
Halloween Party! Children can wear costumes to school and we will have a Halloween party! All Hands On families and siblings are invited to join us from 11:30-12:30 for the party, even if you do not attend school on a Monday. Look for a sign-up sheet on the door to see how you can help.
Tuesday, November 1st – 
Pajama Day! You are probably tired from all that trick-or-treating so wear pajamas to school and have breakfast for lunch! Look for a sign-up sheet on the door to see how you can help.
Friday, November 11 – 
No School, Veteran’s Day.
Mon-Friday, Nov. 21-25  –
No School, enjoy Thanksgiving vacation!


We are so lucky to have a wonderful music that joins Hands On once a month. All the children enjoy dancing and singing with Teacher Iris and her Growing Arts Program. We are also looking forward to many more artists joining us throughout the school year. Tallulah’s Daddy, Mr. Hoo and Chuck Cheeseman are just some of our special guest joining us this season.


Colds and Flu and sickness, Oh MY!

October 2016 germs Preschool Portland Oregon
It is the season of germs!

  • If your child is sick, please keep him or her at home. Preschool children want to be at home when they are feeling bad.
  • If your child has a bad cough, has diarrhea, fever, rash or green goop running from eyes or nose, he or she should stay at home.

We do our best to keep things clean around here and appreciate it if you keep your child home when they are sick. We appreciate knowing what your child has in case we need to inform other parents.
Please help us by reminding your kids to cough/sneeze into a tissue or their inner elbow and wash their hands often.


  • Tuition payments are due on the 1st and late after the 5th of each month.
  • Please send your child to school with a coat, and make sure it has their name in it.  Some children will have the same coat and this makes it easier for them to find if they take it off on the playground.
  • Don’t forget to pack extra clothes for your child to leave at school.  We have some, but often kids are more comfortable in their own extra clothes.
  • Please pack non-breakable dishes in lunches.


We are collecting:

Please help us collect items we need for some of our projects this year. Here is a list of what we are looking for currently:

  • Milk cartons, juice and 1/2 cartons.
  • Picture frames, any size, old or new.
  • Shoe boxes, any size.

Please feel free to call us at 503-239-8521  or email us with any questions you have, as always.

Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact jennifer@handsonartandplay.com for more information.