November 2021

This month's newsletter topics
Halloween- November -Red Wagon-Sunflowers & Pumpkins – Winter Session-Reminders – We are collecting…

October has gone by so fast. A big thank you to everyone for helping us celebrate Halloween!  It was a very festive week for all of the children.


Themes this month

  • Families
  • Thanksgiving
  • Community

This month we are excited to learn about our students, their families and our community.  We will be talking to the class about being thankful, the importance of good friends, family and community.

Each November and December our school works together with St. David’s, to collect food or products that can help our community. This year St. David’s is collecting items for their Little Red Wagon to help the houseless in our community. The students have talked about seeing people that live outside, and worked as a group to come up with ideas on how they could help. We decided to collect items that people need, then give the items to the red wagons, so someone else can distribute them.  It is a great way for our students help our local community, and for them to see that even a small contribution, added to other small contributions, can turn into a great big contribution!

If you would like to contribute items you can send them with your child beginning Monday, November 15th through Friday, December 17th.  Our students will walk the items upstairs and put them in the wagon.

Red Wagon items they most need to stock up on include:
Bottled water, individually wrapped food items
Small food items including soft/easily chewable food
Hand sanitizer & Sanitizing wipes
Garbage bags (extra durable)
Flashlights with batteries
Batteries in all sizes
Ziploc bags (sandwich, gallon, quart)
Notebooks & pens
Disposable utensils, toothbrushes and toothpaste
Socks and hats for the winter

We have been busy working with sunflowers and pumpkins!

We love our daily art projects and our weekly special musical guests!

Outside Time

We still spend lots of time outside.  As the weather gets cold, and wet, we may be inside longer each day but will try to spend plenty of time outside.  Please make sure your child has warm clothes to make them comfortable.  If it is pouring, drop-off and pick-up may be in the building.

Winter Session

Happy November!  There are a few days we will be closed for the holidays in November and December.

  • No school  Thursday, Nov. 11th.
  • No school Nov. 22-26.
  • No school December 20-31st.

Winter enrichment classes will begin January 3rd. More information on the classes that will be offered and how to sign up will be included in the December newsletter.


Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact for more information.