May 2023


Themes this Month

  • Garden and Insects
  • Community Helpers and Safety
  • Carnival and Graduation

Last month we were busy!

We enjoyed reading and looking at books written and illustrated by Eric Carle. Then we created our own pictures inspired by his illustrations and art. We also enjoyed so many other art projects!

In April we were busy with so many guests! We danced to music with Tallulah’s daddy. Teacher McKinley, from Portland Drama Club, joined us for a few drama classes too!

We also  “visited” Brazil with Laura and Tiziu and learned a few words in Portuguese, while learning about Capoeira and the Berimbau – a musical instrument used in Capoeira.

In May we are looking forward to another visit from Teacher Joan from Talk About Trees Oregon.  As well as Tallulah’s Daddy, World Fusion Events and  Fire Station #9!

Our students loved school spirit week and show and tell! Dressings up each day, and showing their friends some special things they brought from home, was delightful!


We love our butterflies! We set up a habitat for them in the classroom and have observed them change from tiny caterpillars to butterflies! On a nice sunny day we got to release them in the garden!

Our students love the garden area. This month they will enjoy taking care of the plants, watering and weeding every day.   When it is nice outside,  we enjoy spending more time  in the garden area. The kids play hopscotch, play in the forest, collect flowers and build fairy houses, and water our garden. We have been observing birds and squirrels, and look forward to seeing our butterflies too!

Graduation and Carnival

Wow! Is it really the last month of school? Our students have grown so much this year.  We have 50 children attending Hands On this year, in two different cohorts.  We have lots of fun things planned for May. From gardening projects, more sleepovers with the piglets and finishing up the school year with our own carnival and graduation parties.

We will have 2 end of the school year parties, Friday, May 26th.  Each cohort will celebrate with a carnival during class, then families can join us in the parking lot for a graduation ceremony. We could use your help!  Look for the sign-up sheets on the red doors at drop-off to see how you can help.  Make sure to sign up for your child’s cohort.
Plan to join your child for the celebration in the parking lot.  See below for each cohort’s graduation time.
Morning Cohort, Friday, May 26th at noon.  If your child doesn’t attend school on Friday, they may join us at 11:30 for the carnival, then adults join us at noon.
Afternoon cohort, Friday, May 26th at 3 PM. If your child doesn’t attend school on Friday, they may join us at 2:30 for the carnival, then adults join us at 3 PM.


In a few weeks we will be ordering yearbooks, every child that attended Hands On during the school year will be included in the yearbook.  Our yearbook is our only fundraiser and we use the funds to keep up the playground.  This year we are hoping to raise money for  cedar chips and new sand for the sandbox, that will really freshen up the playground! Yearbooks will include graduation and be available to pick up during the summer.  They are $30 each, examples of yearbooks from the past are on shelf by drop-in calendar, if you would like to see one.  If you want to order a yearbook, please email Jennifer before the last day of school, May 26th.

Dates to Remember

Friday, May 26th  – Last day of school celebrations

  • Morning class children’s party starts at 11:30, adults join at noon.
  • Afternoon class children’s party starts at 2:30, adults join at 3 PM.


No school, or camp, May 29-June 2

June 5th, Summer sessions begin

*There are 9 weeks of summer camps.  Each cam is Monday through Friday. Children may attend 2 or 4 days a week.

August 25th, Summer camp ends

No school or camp, August 28 th to September 4th

September 5th, children visit the classroom with their grown-ups

September 6th, school year begins

To help you with your taxes here is our official name and tax ID number:

Hands On Art & Play Inc. 

EIN # is 20-5503578


Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact for more information.