February 2024



January went by fast!

During circle time we talked about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his work for peace, justice and equity.  We read “The Peace Book” by Todd Parr and “Peace” by Wendy Anderson Halperin.  Both of these books give concrete, kid-friendly suggestions for how to make the world a better place for everyone.  We also sang “Peace Like a River.”  Perhaps your child could teach you the hand motions.  We had some thoughtful discussions about fairness.  The children were able to give many examples of things that are unfair in our world, and we practiced using our voice and our power to express, “No!  Stop!  That’s not fair!”

We also enjoyed learning about, Alaska and the story of Balto, the sled dog.  I am guessing your kids can also sing you the Balto song, like BINGO, but BALTO.  “There was a sled that had a dog, and Balto was his name-o!”  The students also had fun acting out the story after they memorized the book.

Themes this Month

  • Friendship and Valentine’s Day
  • Where do you live? What are your parents’ names?
  • Portland and Oregon
  • Lunar New Year
  • Black History Month

Special Guests

Last month, we enjoyed special guests Quincy Davis and Steve Denniston! We love having special guests visit our school each week, here is some information about Quincy and Steve.

Quincy Davis

Quincy Davis is a music producer, recording artist, creative director and community educator based in Portland, Oregon, USA. He is dedicated to his craft and to the power of art to inspire and empower, both personally and collectively. 

Steve Denniston

I worked in special education for 17 years in Portland with students in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Almost daily I played guitar and sang songs with my students, mixing fun songs, silly songs, and songs that snuck in some teaching too.  I’ve played guitar for 40ish years and have picked up a number of other instruments along the way that I dabble in.  I’m a member of St. David of Wales and am looking forward to reconnecting with kids through music again.


We are busy in the art area every day!  Sometimes we work on projects for a long time, like creating our Valentine boxes, holiday gifts and writing letters.  Other days we  do a craft, or a painting, and sometimes we experiment with colors!  Last month we also used mirrors to help make our self-portraits.


Thursday, Feb. 1-Music with Steve Denniston

Wednesday, February 7th- Music with Tiziu and Laura Martinez

Wednesday, 14th – Valentine’s Day –Each class will celebrate a little bit each day so nobody misses out!

Tuesday, February 13th-Music with Jessa Campbell

Monday, Feb. 19  – NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day

Wednesday, Feb. 21-Music with Steve Denniston

Monday Feb. 26, Special Guests, Portland forest School Middle Schoolers read to preschoolers, Morning class. Afternoon class on March 11.


Tuesday,March5th-Special Guest, students from Sensoku Junior College of Childhood Education in Kanagawa prefecture, near Tokyo.

We have partnered with this program since 2016, and had to take a few years off during COVID and visit virtually. This year we are excited to welcome the students back to our classroom! The Japanese students are learning early childhood education in college and work in local kindergartens and daycare centers.
Their visit provides our students with a wonderful opportunity to participate in singing, dancing and story-telling and we are delighted to have this cross-cultural exchange. It is a unique time for both children and students.

Monday March 10, Special Guests, Portland forest School Middle Schoolers

Wednesday, March 20, Music with Pedro Perra and Laura Martinez

Monday March 25-29, No School, Spring Vacation

Valentine’s Day

We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14 & 15th, and a little bit each day of the week to make sure most everyone gets in on the fun.
You do not need to address cards to individual children, but make sure each card is signed from your child.

Example, “To my friend, Love Holly” or “From, Junot”

We have 35 kids in the morning class, and 21 in the afternoon.  Everyone will have plenty of love in their Valentine box so please make as many cards you feel comfortable making. Please bring in your child’s cards no later than Feb. 12th, the earlier the better!  The students will have lots of work to do delivering all their cards to their friend’s mailboxes.
Cards can be store-bought or homemade, and include treats & toys.  Children will be encouraged to save any treats for after school, and ask parents first.

Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact jennifer@handsonartandplay.com for more information.