December 2021



Winter Holidays 2021

Throughout November and December we are talking and learning about holidays. We will share stories about how each of us celebrates with our family, and we’ll learn about holidays around the world. We are helping our students learn that there are many people in our world and many different beliefs and holiday celebrations. Even though holidays have different names and meanings, most are celebrated with a gathering of friends and family, special foods, and sometimes gift giving.
We will learn about several winter holidays and play games, sing songs and do craft projects to learn more about them. If you have a tradition, song, or project you would like to share with our students, we would love to hear from you.
Hands On will be closed from December 20-31st for winter vacation. Our first day back to school will be Monday, January 3th.

Circle Time News

Each day during circle time our students come together to sing songs, and talk about what we will be doing in class that day. Then we split up into two smaller groups to do our circle time work.

Each day students have a different job; sometimes  children share a job. Our jobs are: bell ringer, calendar pal, alphabet pal, number pal, weather pal, line leaders, and teacher’s helper. Ask your child what their job was each day and see if they can tell you about it.

This month our number pals are enjoying something special. We are learning about coins and how to count them. The complexities of the problems depend on the age group of the children. For example, the youngest children may count the coins and begin learning to identify them. The older children are learning the value of each coin. Our math problems could be something like, “How many coins do you have on your tray? What kind of coins are they? How much are those coins worth? We have candy canes for sale for 2 cents each, how many will you be able to buy? “ This project is no doubt very exciting, and on the last day of class the children will be able to actually “buy” their mini candy cane!

Outside Play

We love to play outside every day and we do so even when it is cold. Each class will start and end on the playground, even during the winter.  We may spend less time outside but please send a coat to school with your child each day and remember hats and mittens too. Please add your children’s names so we can help them find their things. It is also a great idea to leave extra clothes in your child’s cubby in case they need to change clothes during the day.

Snow Days

We follow Portland Public Schools’ decisions regarding snow days, if PPS is closed, or opening late, due to weather, Hands On will be closed. If Hands On closes because of weather, we will let you know as soon as possible by sending an email, updating our phone message and website.  If we have to close we will close for the whole school day, both morning and afternoon.  You will be offered make up days for each day Hands On is closed due to weather.


Winter Enrichment Classes


Hip Hop Tumbling

In hip hop/tumbling classes, offered by The Independent Dance Project, students will learn the fundamentals of dance isolations, rhythm, and tumbling through games, play, and fun. With music and movements dancers will develop strength, coordination, and confidence with a fun performance at the end of the session! To register go to their registration site here, create a parent account and enroll your child. Email with questions!

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Spanish with Portland Early Learning, *Children can attend 1 or 2 days
January 4th-March 16 -Contact PELP for prices
PELPHandsOnPoster 2021

Thursdays & Fridays

NW Children’s Theater – January 6-March 18th-Please email Jennifer to sign up for this class,*Children can attend 1 or 2 days
$165 for 11 class session
*No class November 11 & 25th
First Stage classes are specially designed for ages three to six years old. Children will explore theater through music, movement and storytelling with an emphasis on physical and emotional self-expression. First Stage teachers use role-playing and improvisation techniques to act out fairy tales and other stories. These classes promote a love for the performing arts and nurture creative energy while supporting developmental milestones, including: Confidence • Self-expression • Critical thinking Cooperation • Social Skills • Imagination • Motor skills

Colds, flu and sickness, Oh MY!

October 2016 germs Preschool Portland Oregon

It is the season of germs!

Preschool children want to be at home when they are feeling bad.  It is especially important this year with COVID that we all do our part to keep our community healthy.
The kids are great about wearing masks and we are hoping this limits all of the normal colds children may get during the winter.  Thank you for keeping your kids home when they have a cold.
Here is some more information and the guidelines for keeping your child home and when they can return to school.

If your child has a runny nose–

Keep them home until they are 24 hours symptom free.

If your child a fever, or cough, keep them home 10 days.  If you want to come back to school earlier, then your child needs a negative COVID test. • If a child  with symptoms of COVID-19 tests negative, they may return 24 hours after resolution of cough and fever without the use of fever-reducing medication. • If a child or staff member with symptoms of COVID-19 is advised by a medical professional they can return to care (e.g., diagnosed with something else and given antibiotics), they are allowed return to care. Documentation from the medical professional is required. The person must be fever-free for at least 24 hours.

If a child has symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, headache, sore throat, or rash, they must be excluded and advised to consult a medical professional. • If seen by a medical professional and is cleared, they can remain in or return to the program following the documented direction of the medical professional. • If not seen by a medical professional, they may return 24 hours after resolution of symptoms.

See you soon!

Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact for more information.