August 2023

This month's newsletter topics
Back to School – First Day of School  – September Tuition and Billing –  Enrichment Classes – Early Drop Off – Late Pick Up – Drop In Days and Credits – Immunization Form – See You Soon!

Hello everyone,
We are excited to start the 2023-24 school year. Hands On Art and Play is celebrating our 23rd school year! Hands On started in my home in SE Portland with 6 children, my youngest daughter, Teacher Quinn, included, all the way back in 2000! Since then, we have added more teachers over the years and moved into classroom spaces in a neighborhood church before finally settling into our current space at St. David of Wales about 20 years ago. You will  learn more about each of our teachers in our September newsletter!
It is wonderful to see how Hands On has grown from a small two-day-a-week class, into what we offer now: morning and afternoon preschool programs, summer camps, after-school arts classes and so much more. Together as a community we have grown so much!
We love being with your great kids, they are fun to spend the day with and keep us all living in the moment!  Every day our students have the opportunity to play, learn, create, listen to stories and enjoy the school day with their friends and teachers.  We are excited about all of our outdoor play spaces and we are continuing to add new outdoor components to our school day.  We are very excited to welcome back our music and enrichment programs!
As a school and an educational community, we want to affirm our on-going commitment to creating an inclusive environment where all students, families, and teachers feel valued and respected. Our goal is to nurture a more diverse and inclusive generation of young children who thrive through their experience of equitable learning opportunities in preschool programs. Thank you for your commitment, as parents and community members, in helping us reach this goal! Hands On is what it is today because of each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of the Hands On community!
We are excited to welcome back returning students and looking forward to getting to know our new class of students and families.  Hands On is looking forward to a great school year! Cheers to 23 years of Hands On!
– Teacher Jennifer

Back to School!

Tuesday, September 5th – 
Parents, caregivers and children visit between 10 AM and 1 PM to explore your classroom, make new friends and meet your teachers.  Join us at 11 am to hear teacher Faith read her new children’s book! Faith is both the author and illustrator of the book! Melvina Whitmoore (More or Less a Horror Story)

Wednesday, September 6th –
First day of school, 9 AM, Drop-off begins at 8:45 AM for morning class.
First day of school, 1 PM, Drop-off begins at 12:45 PM for afternoon class.

First Day of School

Wednesday, September 6th is our first day of school.  School begins at 9 AM and ends at 12:30. We will continue to have drop-off and pick up outside of  the playground.  Please walk your children to the check in area and take extra care while walking, biking or driving through the parking lot. Each morning we will have a Question Of The Day for the students to answer. Then children will join friends on the playground.
Some children have a hard time saying goodbye. For these kids it seems to work the best to say goodbye quickly reminding them you will be back after lunch, or snack in the afternoons. Pick up time is 12:30 and 3:30 each day.  If your child is having a really hard time transitioning we will let you know, and if it helps to send along a favorite toy or stuffed animal, that is OK!

Lunches and Snacks

If your child is in our morning class they should pack a lunch each day.  If your child is in the afternoon class then they should eat lunch before school and pack a snack.  We are a nut-free school as several children have severe nut allergies.

Preschoolers are a wiggly bunch and often enjoy themselves and act silly during lunch time.  We will pack up what they do not eat so they can snack on it later, and we will let you know if they need more.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hot dogs, carrots and grapes are some of the top choking hazards when it comes to food.  If your child loves these foods, it may be best to enjoy them at home or slice them up into manageable bites.

Please make sure your child has a water bottle and a lunch from home each day. Cloth, steel, or any non-breakable food containers are the best for preschoolers as glass containers break too often. We always have filtered water for kids if they need refills.
Many kids have the same lunch boxes, backpacks, coats and water bottles, please make your child’s name is on all of their things.

September Tuition and Billing

Your first tuition payment is due no later than August 15th. This will secure your child’s space in the preschool.
The tuition is an annual fee made up of nine equal monthly payments. Our school year runs September 6 to May 24. Holidays and staff planning days are already calculated into the tuition structure so tuition is the same every month.  You will get a school calendar to help you plan for days off.

All other tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month and late after the 5th. The next tuition payment will be due October 1st. The October tuition will also include your child’s music fee of $125.

There is a $25 late fee if you haven’t paid by the 5th, and a $25 fee for returned checks. If you need to make special payment arrangements, email Jennifer.

Music Class

All students will be charged a one-time fee of $125 for the music program.  Our music program brings musicians and artists into the class weekly.  The days will alternate so that everyone has a chance to participate in music several times a month.  The music fee will be billed on your October invoice.  Please let Jennifer know if you would like to pay it in two payments, if so, the other half will be due in January.

Drop-In Days and Credits
We will have a drop-in calendar for families to use.  If you are going on vacation you can offer up your days, if someone takes your days, then you will get a credit. Drop-in days and credits will show up on the invoices following the month of use. A drop-in day for the morning class is $40, a credit is $35.  A drop-in day for the afternoon class is $30, credit of $25.
Hands On follows Portland Public Schools decisions to close due to inclement weather. If PPS is closed, or opening late, Hands On will be closed, you will receive a make-up day. Our school calendar will be located near our check in table.

Late Pick Up
Pick-up time for preschool is 12:30 and 3:30 PM. If you are 5 minutes or more later, you will be charged a late fee, $15 for the first 15 minutes you are late and $40 if you are later than 15 minutes. If you are 15 minutes late teachers will begin calling your emergency contact numbers to arrange for someone to get  your child.  Since we have two cohorts of children and 15 minutes between them, it is really important to be on time for pick-up and not too early for drop-off.

Afternoon Enrichment Classes

Hands On partners with local children’s programs to offer enrichment classes after/before school.  This year we are pleased to offer classes Monday-Friday. Each class is 45 minutes. These classes are optional, and you may join in the fall, winter or spring. Children enrolled in the afternoon preschool will join the enrichment classes starting at noon, and children attending morning preschool will stay until 1:30.  Often these classes fill up quickly as the maximum amount of kids is smaller than our class size, so don’t wait too long!  Make sure to sign up for the appropriate time, morning class sign up for 12:45-1:30, afternoon class sign up for noon-12:45.


 The Independent Dance Project –

September 18-Decemebrer 11- $195 for 12 class session

*No class October 9, November 20

In hip hop/tumbling class, offered by The Independent Dance Project, students will learn the fundamentals of hip hop and tumbling through games, play, and fun. With music and movements dancers will develop strength, coordination, and confidence with a fun performance at the end of the session!
Register here, create a parent account and enroll your child.

Email with questions!

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Spanish with Portland Early Learning

September 19 & 20

*No class November 22 & 23

Contact Jennifer to get the link to register for the class, or  contact

Welcome! Our small, play-based, interactive Spanish classes are a wonderful opportunity for children to learn and practice Spanish in a warm, supportive environment. Our classes are full of songs, games, books, and lots of movement! Plus, our teachers are trained to teach to a wide range of skills levels and ages. We’re glad you chose us!


NW Children’s Theater

September 21-December 14-Please email Jennifer to sign up for this class,

$195 for 12 class session  *No class November 23rd

First Stage classes are specially designed for ages three to six years old. Children will explore theater through music, movement and storytelling with an emphasis on physical and emotional self-expression. First Stage teachers use role-playing and improvisation techniques to act out fairy tales and other stories. These classes promote a love for the performing arts and nurture creative energy while supporting developmental milestones, including: Confidence • Self-expression • Critical thinking Cooperation • Social Skills • Imagination • Motor skills


Embodied Feelings! With McKinley Hughes

September 22-December 15th. 

$145, 9 classes, No classes 10/13, 11/3,11/10,11/24

Please email Jennifer to sign up for this class,

Embodied Feelings: This class is an opportunity for students to explore their emotions through storytelling, physical movement, and theatre games. Students will learn to identify different feelings, learn different ways to express them, and practice relating to one another’s emotions through creativity, imagination, and play. 

McKinley is a professional actor, musician and goof ball extraordinaire! She has been working in arts education for the past decade. She is currently continuing her education by earning a masters degree in drama therapy. McKinley is extremely passionate about using theatre as a tool to for self expression and emotional healing. In all of her classes, McKinley strives to cultivate a learning environment where kiddos are encouraged to be brave, get silly, and have fun!

Colds, flu and sickness, Oh MY!

October 2016 germs Preschool Portland Oregon

Preschool children want to be at home when they are feeling bad. Thank you for keeping your kids home when they have a cold and do not feel well.
  • If your child has a goopy nose, bad cough, diarrhea, stomach ache, sore throat or any condition that is contagious, they need to stay home.
  • Children can return when they are symptom free for 24 hours, and COVID negative on a rapid test.
  • We do not require masks, but if you would like your child to wear one please let us know.

Immunization Forms

Oregon law states that all children in school or day care (including preschool and Head Start) must have the required immunizations or an exemption. Here is a link to the immunization form for you to print, fill out and bring to school.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer.
Download the Immunization form here.

See you soon!

Later this month you will get a school directory, and an academic calendar. Please feel free to call, or email, with any questions you have before the beginning of the school year.

We are excited to see you in September!

Join Us at our Open House

January 27th between 10am and 1pm.

Bring your family and friends and join us! Explore our classroom, meet our teachers, learn more about our programs and make new friends! We also offer monthly tours if you can’t make the open house.


Summer Camp and 2025-26 Preschool registration is open now!

Contact for more information.